Ed Hagy

Ed Hagy Ed Hagy was a star on both the basketball and football teams at Stroudsburg High School and is a member of the Stroudsburg High School Hall of Fame. Upon graduating from Lycoming College, he returned to Stroudsburg and has been an integral part of youth sports ever since. He became a PIAA basketball referee but soon turned in his officiating whistle for a coaching one when he became the assistant boy's basketball coach at Stroudsburg High School where he helped to coach the Mountaineers to five Mountain Valley Conference and two District XI titles in the late 1990's. Ed went on to help coach youth soccer in the Pocono Mountain Youth Soccer Association for two years before once again concentrating on coaching basketball. He spent three years coaching in the YMCA basketball program and has spent the last four years coaching in the Stroudsburg 5/6th grade program. In the meantime, he has both sponsored and coached teams in the Reeders-Hornets Summer Basketball League and the Forks Township Summer Basketball League. He had also continued to provide sponsorship to the Stroudsburg Boy's Basketball program. Ed's financial support and endless hours teaching basketball has helped hundreds of players to attend both summer basketball leagues and basketball team camps. Finally, since it's inception in 2003, Ed has been a major sponsor and supporter of the Perryman/Keglovits All-Star Games' Ed Hagy of Nationwide Insurance is certainly on our Communities side!!!